Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ominous Headlines

Two headlines from MSNBC crossed my reading path today that individually gave me cause to stop and think and together sent chills down my spine.

Here's headline #1: Hindu To Open Senate With Prayer.
Here's headline #2: Al-Qaida Getting Stronger.

Now, at first glance these do not seem to be connected in any way. What does the prayer of a polytheistic pagan to open the United States Senate have to do with a Monotheistic band of radical thugs? Well, here's the connection:

Isaiah 30:1-2 "Woe to the obstinate children,"declares the LORD,"to those who carry out plans that are not mine,forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit,heaping sin upon sin; 2 who go down to Egypt without consulting me."

I've heard people argue, not convincingly to me, that America is not and has never been a "Christian" nation. Some people argue that our Forefathers, even though they all quoted regularly from the Bible, never intended America to be a Christian nation. I don't want to address that argument at this point. I think the evidence is abundant that our Founding Fathers intended our nation to be founded on Judeo-Christian values. How broadly or how narrowly they intended these values to be applied is argued by many.
What I have never heard argued is that our nation should align itself with the polytheistic, ethically suspect values of Hinduism. There is no support for any such alliance in the Founding documents of our nation -- but, there he is, polytheistic Hindu chaplain, Rajan Zed, scheduled to deliver the opening prayer in the next session of the U.S. Senate. What possible reason would America have for striking an alliance with Hinduism? As Isaiah said, such and alliance, "heaps sin upon sin."

Now, for headline #2. Al-Qaida Is Growing Stronger. The Director of Homeland security has been quoted as saying he has a "feeling" they may strike the U.S. soon. There's where Isaiah's "woe-ful warning" comes in. Our sin will become our woe. So many Americans are so willing to throw off the yoke of the God of the Bible and make alliances with polytheism and a god of the desert.

Ronald Reagan understood what it meant to be a Christian nation. He said, "America is great because America is good (translate: founded upon the values of the Bible). When America ceases to be good (founded upon the values of the Bible), America will cease to be great."

America may be free to cast of the yoke of God's righteousness, but along with it, we cast of the mantle of God's protection. Put the headlines together and you will see what I mean.


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