Thursday, August 30, 2007

Coming to America?

Some of you may be aware that Congress is working on a new bill that will give homosexuals special rights and protections not afforded to other citizens. This bill and others are commonly referred to as “hate crimes legislation.”

Let me go on record saying I don’t support “hating anybody” – homosexuals or others. I also want to go on record to say I do “hate homosexuality” which is an aberrant, harmful, and detestable lifestyle that goes against nature. I can still say that in America – for now.

If I were in Canada, for example, and said anything even close to what I just said, I’d be spending up to 340 hours under the supervision of a homosexual therapist three hours from my home. At least, that is how one pastor learned about Canadian “hate crimes” legislation when he criticized Islam for its violent tendencies. Muslims may not like the facts, but they are what they are: “not all Muslims are terrorists but nearly all terrorists are Muslim.” You do the math. Ignoring this fact will not serve those Muslims who are in fact peaceable and productive citizens, nor will it serve society. But, under “hate crimes” legislation, Canadian pastor, Mark Harding, received two years probation and has to travel 3 hours to a mosque where he is serving 340 hours of community service under the supervision of a Muslim cleric.

“Under the threat of jail, Harding was forced to undergo Islamic ‘re-education',” according to a recent news article. What was his crime: “hate speech.” More correctly his crime was speaking the truth – but a truth under Canadian “hate crimes” legislation that is considered politically incorrect and punishable by jail time.

Now, “hate crimes” legislation is coming to America. Who will be the first preacher jailed for saying what the Bible clearly teaches: “homosexuality is an abomination to God.” Think it won’t happen in America? Sooner or later, the politically correct mob will be coming for Christians -- and have been for some time. In fact, "Christian-hate" is really at the core of the homosexual agenda. If we do not stand up and fight now, we may not be able to stand up later.

I’m reminded of the words of Pastor Martin Niemöller when Hitler came onto the scene:

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak outbecause I was not a Jew.Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak outbecause I was not a Communist.Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak outbecause I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for me and there was no one leftto speak out for me.

Are they coming for you, next?


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