Friday, July 13, 2007


It is hard to be shocked by what you read these days. The world just seems nuts. And . . . if one points this one may be accused of being “paranoid,” or of being some “doom and gloom” preacher with a “devil-behind-every-bush fundamentalist” psychosis.

Well, say what you will but the American culture of the 21st century would not be recognizable to the Americans of the 18th century when our country was founded. For example, a well-publicized quote from George Washington – o.k., so the history books barely mention it – reads like this, “It is impossible for a man to govern a country without God and the Bible.” Or, how about this one from Benjamin Franklin, “God governs in the affairs of man.” Venerable Ben stated this at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 while our Founding Fathers were laying the groundwork for the Constitution.

Now, some anti-Christian activists argue that Benjamin Franklin was not a devout Christian and his God was not the God of the Bible and Christianity. No doubt, Ben Franklin may not have been the best example of Biblical Christianity, but his God was definitely the God of the Bible. In the next sentence after the one quoted above, Franklin quotes from Matthew 10:29 and Psalm 127:1: “And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this.” Ben Franklin in his own words supports the argument that the United States is based upon “Christian” principles from the Bible. When he quoted from "Sacred Writings," it was not the Koran.

Well, not long ago a new congressman from Minnesota, Rep. Keith Ellison, was sworn in with his hand on the Koran. He is a devout Muslim. The leftists in our country celebrated him as a “poster child for tolerance.” Tolerance, as you know, is the religion of the left. Well, he doesn’t seem to be very tolerant after all. He compares our present Commander in Chief--who is openly Christian--with Adolf Hitler and calls the present administration Nazis. This is what the Muslim democrat said in a speech before a group of Minneapolis atheists. A Muslim embracing atheists and comparing our President to one of the most evil men who have ever lived is what “tolerance” means in America. That is a strange religion.

I barely recognize America today and I am only half a century old. What must our Founding Fathers be saying? Perhaps they are saying, “Has anyone seen my America?”


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