Friday, July 18, 2008


It has been a while since I have used this blog. You will notice a change in the name. A few months ago God led me -- through a somewhat painful process -- to step out in faith and do something that has been on my heart for almost 30 years.

That's a long time in human years. It's even longer they tell me in dog years. It is, however, exactly the right amount of time according to God's years.

The Psalmist records one of my favorite Bible verses (and I have many). Psalm 139:16 encourages me a great deal. It says, "Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance;And in Thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them."

Nothing surprises God. Nothing happens either sooner, nor later than He has ordained. Don't try to wrap your mind around the paradox created by God's sovereignty and our free-will. Your mind cannot stretch that far and your mental fabric will tear.

The point is: my life is right on schedule. I've gotten lost often. I've taken detours down the road of rebellion. I've met unforeseen obstacles. Yet, I'm right where God wants me at just the right time.

Visit this blog often if you want to join me on this journey. Visit the church website ( Everything in my life and ministry is in "process." Hopefully this process includes progress.


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