Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Raise Up a Standard

We face challenging days and critical choices in America. The two offerings for potential president could not be more different from one another. One staunchly defends the right to life for a human from the moment of conception. The other just as staunchly defends the right of parents, medical professionals and others to allow a baby to die outside the womb through neglect and exposure.

For a Christian, the choice could not be clearer. It is not, as many have framed the debate, a choice between the lesser of two evils. It is a clear choice between good and evil. It has really been this clear for many years since Roe v. Wade made abortion popular; but it is becoming more distinct as the culture of death encroaches more and more on the common mindset of Americans.

Christians must take a stand. Christians must be the “standard-bearers” – the first to march onto a battlefield – in the cultural war. Nothing less than the sanctity of life is at stake.

The state of ancient Israel as described by Isaiah in the 59th chapter of the book bearing his name parallels the state of America today. Justice cannot be found. Men stumble along blindly having discarded the clear, absolute truth of God as revealed in His word. Isaiah summarizes the situation thusly, “Our transgressions are multiplied and our sins testify against us” (verse 12).

The bar of virtue has been lowered so many times through so much debate that there hardly exists any standard of righteousness at all in America. “Truth is lacking” Isaiah bemoans (verse 15). And God sees that He has been left without a witness (verse 16). Such are the days in which we live. Such are the conditions that define the crossroads facing our nation in this next election.

What should be the voice of God’s people in this situation? It is clear. The church must raise up a standard (ensign, flag, banner) identifying clearly where truth and justice and righteousness can be found. The Bible declares, “When the enemy comes in like a flood,
The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19, NKJV).

As Christians, let us fly our banner high in these times. Not the flag of compromise heralded by the trumpet of an uncertain sound. These days require a clear, clarion sound to call our nation back to justice and truth. In this election like perhaps no other in recent history, the polling place must become an altar. Our vote must become a prayer.


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