Pray for Obama
May I say that the words, "pray for Obama," do not roll off my tongue easily. I do not remember -- in my 8 opportunities as a voter for the president of the United States -- a time when I disagreed more strongly with a candidates positions and principles than in this last election.
Whatever spell Obama may or may not have had over a significant number of voters, it did not consume me. His speeches did not move me and his principles did not connect with me. I definitely prayed that someone else would be taking the seat in the Oval Office come January. However, democracy overruled my objections when the vote count came in. Barak Obama will become the President of my country come January.
The Bible gives us instruction to "pray for those in authority over you" (1Tim. 2:2). The Word tells us exactly what to pray for in that passage: "in order [to] lead a tranquil life." What we should pray for is that the new administration would not place before us obstacles that would hinder Americans from living our lives in a way that is pleasing to God. We should pray that the new administration would not set itself at enmity with the truth of God's Word anymore than the government now does.
The passage quoted above says nothing about one's personal feelings toward those in power. Ultimately, God is in power. In that regard, "the administration never really changes." The Bible is clear: "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases" (Prv. 21:1).
As Barak Obama comes to power we as God's people should be praying for him daily. We should be praying that he will willingly surrender to God's leadership in his life. Such a surrender by the new president will bode well for our country. Failing to surrender will simply increase the speed of our nation's slide into the dust heap of history.
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