Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Much of theological truth is couched in irony. Irony refers to an “unexpected outcome.” What we see is not what we expect, such as in the ancient fable of the race between “The Tortoise and the Hare.” In such a race we would naturally expect the hare to cross the finish line first. In fact, he does not.

Christian theology has its own ironies. One such irony is discussed at length in the Book of Romans, chapter 8 (see verses 18 to 30). Here we have the Apostle Paul inspired to write about hope in terms of suffering, futility, corruption, and complete weakness. Certainly, one would not naturally expect such conditions to provide much hope. More so one would expect ease and power to be more conducive to an attitude of hope.

On March 24, 1872 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London the preeminent Baptist preacher of the time offered this reflection on the above passage:

“A lack of depth in the inner life accounts for most of the doctrinal error in the church. Sound conviction of sin, deep humiliation on account of it, and a sense of utter weakness and unworthiness naturally conduct the mind to the belief of the doctrines of grace, while shallowness in these matters leaves a man content with a superficial creed.”

People chafe against any notion they are “utterly weak and unworthy” and incapable of any progress toward godliness on their own. People prefer to be of the type that to pull oneself up by “moral bootstraps.” There is little evidence of much conviction of sin these days. A shallow, self-determined religiosity is the order of the day. Grace is not needed and the Bible is unheeded.

There is little irony in regard to why society is the way it is. We have what one would expect a self-righteousness might provide – shallow, superficial churchianity where hope is based upon works and despair continues to abound. Perhaps there is a bit of irony in that.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Homosexuals Invade Church

“Worshippers at a Bible-teaching church in Lansing, Mich., were stunned Sunday when members of a pro-homosexual, pro-anarchy organization named Bash Back interrupted their service to fling propaganda and condoms around the sanctuary, drape a profane banner from the balcony and feature two lesbians making out at the pulpit.”

A small-town news journal covered this recent church invasion. A pro-homosexual activist group stormed the church services at Mount Hope in Lansing to seek “tolerance” for their lifestyle. It would be ironically funny if it were not so sad. Sounds like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum in the hope of getting adults to respect his or her wishes. Some may also think that this type of behavior is uncharacteristic of most homosexuals. To these persons I simply invite you to attend a San Francisco Gay Pride Parade. The fact is that some the most intolerant, belligerent, and bizarre behavior can be found in communities with a high percentage of homosexuals. This type of behavior from these cultural terrorists does not find a place in most news coverage. It is not politically correct to show homosexuals in a bad light.

This homo-activist group calls themselves, Bash Back. Keep in mind the church they invaded is not a church that has been politically active on any issue, including homosexuality. It was just a church that was convenient to invade. In fact, the members present during this blasphemous fiasco did not even offer any resistance to the invaders. Instead, when the pulpit area was clear of the terrorists, the pastor offered a prayer asking that these “homo-terrorists” find healing for their anger and hate.

I’m posting this because this type of belligerence and rebellion characterizes so many of those involved in homosexual activism, but the regular media is hesitant to say anything about it. The Bible describes those involved in “homo-terrorist groups” such as Act Up and Bash Back: “God gave them over to degrading passions for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of women and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error” (Romans 1:26-27).

I understand that those enslaved by the homosexual lifestyle will find this passage in Scripture direct and hard to hear; however, it is not loving to keep people from the truth that can set them free. Homosexuality, like all sin, enslaves those who give in to such tempations. Jesus can, and will, set them free if they surrender to Him as the Lord and Master of Life.

Sad, So Sad

Headline (MSN): "Liberal churches join effort to overturn Prop 8"
(Caution: this post is a little longer than usual)

Just a few short years ago the people of California voted overwhelmingly to define marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Four Supreme Court judges over-ruled the will of the people and struck down the newly enacted law. This November the people of California voted to amend the State Constitution (by referendum as it is done in California) to again define marriage as between a man and a woman. The liberal groups challenged the Proposition. The Supreme Court of California upheld the right for the people to decide. The people decided and now the liberal pro-homosexual activists and their friends are asking the State Supreme Court to over-rule the will of the people.

Does that all sound like something important is going on in California? If you think it sounds important, you are right.

There are all kinds of angles to this story. There is the “pro-homosexual, in-your-face-like-it-or-not” angle. There's the constitutional angle. There's the "on-what-basis-can-the-Supreme Court overrule-the-clear-will-of-the-people" angle. There's the "fair-play" angle. The people of California have won fair and square -- twice! There's also the "common-sense" angle. Common sense would seem to say that there is a reason why every society in the history of man has identified marriage as between a man and a woman. Men and women are such a perfect biological fit for marriage that no society in recorded history has ever argued otherwise -- until now! It just belies common sense to suggest that a "union," as in marriage union, can be completed using all bolts or all nuts. Even a child with an erector set can see the logical fallacy in that.

But the most disturbing angle of all is that to which the headline above refers: the church angle. Churches -- liberal churches -- are defending the marriage union between a man and a man or a woman and a woman against all logic and the clear didactic propositions of Scripture.

Make no mistake about it; the Scriptures are not ambiguous in regard to homosexuality. The liberal, pro-homosexual, so-called theologians may try to twist the Scripture to conform to the new "politically correct atmosphere," but they twist the Scripture to their own hurt. These pro-homosexual, mis-guided theologues are not the first to "twist the Scriptures" to fit their own agenda. Peter spoke of this a long time ago. This is how the Living Bible so vividly describes such theologues:

there are people who are deliberately stupid, and always demand some unusual interpretation-they have twisted his letters around to mean something quite different from what he meant, just as they do the other parts of the Scripture-and the result is disaster for them" (1Peter 3:15-16), TLB).

It is sad enough that sectors of the American public have drifted so far from the plain truth of nature and Scripture. Even sadder is the fact that groups calling themselves "churches" are leading the way.

I'm sure that many reading this blog will be offended by my plain speaking. I'm sure many (thought they know nothing about me) will label me a hate-mongering homophobe. Fact is, I'm just a person seeking truth. Love is not love if it is not true. Marriage is not marriage if not based upon truth. A lie is a lie whether it gives us warm fuzzies or not.

But the truth . . . well the truth will set us free. I choose to be free and help set others free.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jack Horner's American Pie

Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner,
Eating a Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plumb,
And said, What a good boy am I

It has been years since I heard that nursery rhyme. According to today’s local newscast, the plumb pie is still around – or at least the “plumb book.”

Apparently, there is a book that lists all the jobs that a new president can give to whomever he chooses when he takes office. If my memory serves me well there are over 7500 listings available this year. That means that 7500 Republicans will lose their jobs and 7500 Democrats will replace them – mostly based upon nepotism. A few token Republicans will probably be retained just for good measure.

These are not “entry-level” positions. One job entails managing a small radio station in the Philippines. The annual compensation is $150,000 plus benefits. Apparently, these kind of cushy jobs fill the pages of the “Plum Book.” (It is called the Plum Book because its cover is plum colored; but I think it would still thrill Little Jack Horner).

This kind of greed and avarice has come to characterize American politics. In some measure it has always been there but of late has become much more obscene. And, regardless of campaign promises the trend is not likely to change significantly. The Bible predicts that this type of avarice and deceit will characterize the Last Days. Jeremiah’s words centuries ago were indeed prophetic:

“For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for gain” (Jer. 6:13).

How many plums do you suppose remain in the American pie?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is Armaggedon Imminent?

Is Armageddon imminent? A strange set of emotions course through my mind as I contemplate that question. I’ve always believed the Bible says what it means and means what it says. Even though much of my formal training focused on the study of complex philosophical issues, my faith has always remained rather simple. By simple I do not mean shallow. I mean uncomplicated by human speculation.

With simple faith as my foundation I am particularly intrigued with the idea and issue of biblical prophecy – especially Ezekiel and Daniel. Ezekiel wrote about 2600 years ago. I think most people in the United States would consider it almost ludicrous for anyone to believe that the writings of someone who lived a world away separated by over two millennia could have any meaning for our lives today. Yet, I and many others believe exactly that.

Yet, Ezekiel’s primary prophecy outlining an alliance between countries in the Middle East with names like Persia (Iran), Rosh (Russia?), and Libya against the nation of Israel do not seem quite so ludicrous today. These are a few of the nations named by the prophets (Ezekiel and others) who will establish an alliance to destroy Israel in the Last Days according to the Bible.

But what about the newspapers? What nations are rattling swords in the Middle East? Well, certainly we have Iran’s venomous rhetoric calling for the annihilation of Israel. That accounts for Persia. We have Libya discussing the purchase of $2 billion of weapons from Russia after Gaddafi’s visit with Russia last month. That accounts for Russia and Libya. We have Israel faced with the fact that the most pro-Israeli president in history is leaving office and a suspected Palestinian sympathizer is taking office in January of next year. What are we to make of the fact that the cast of characters on the evening news are the same ones mentioned in the prophecies of the Last Days in the Bible?

Is Armageddon imminent? Check your newspaper and your Bible. You decide . . .

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pray for Obama

May I say that the words, "pray for Obama," do not roll off my tongue easily. I do not remember -- in my 8 opportunities as a voter for the president of the United States -- a time when I disagreed more strongly with a candidates positions and principles than in this last election.

Whatever spell Obama may or may not have had over a significant number of voters, it did not consume me. His speeches did not move me and his principles did not connect with me. I definitely prayed that someone else would be taking the seat in the Oval Office come January. However, democracy overruled my objections when the vote count came in. Barak Obama will become the President of my country come January.

The Bible gives us instruction to "pray for those in authority over you" (1Tim. 2:2). The Word tells us exactly what to pray for in that passage: "in order [to] lead a tranquil life." What we should pray for is that the new administration would not place before us obstacles that would hinder Americans from living our lives in a way that is pleasing to God. We should pray that the new administration would not set itself at enmity with the truth of God's Word anymore than the government now does.

The passage quoted above says nothing about one's personal feelings toward those in power. Ultimately, God is in power. In that regard, "the administration never really changes." The Bible is clear: "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases" (Prv. 21:1).

As Barak Obama comes to power we as God's people should be praying for him daily. We should be praying that he will willingly surrender to God's leadership in his life. Such a surrender by the new president will bode well for our country. Failing to surrender will simply increase the speed of our nation's slide into the dust heap of history.