Sad, So Sad
Headline (MSN): "Liberal churches join effort to overturn Prop 8"
(Caution: this post is a little longer than usual)
Just a few short years ago the people of California voted overwhelmingly to define marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Four Supreme Court judges over-ruled the will of the people and struck down the newly enacted law. This November the people of California voted to amend the State Constitution (by referendum as it is done in California) to again define marriage as between a man and a woman. The liberal groups challenged the Proposition. The Supreme Court of California upheld the right for the people to decide. The people decided and now the liberal pro-homosexual activists and their friends are asking the State Supreme Court to over-rule the will of the people.
Does that all sound like something important is going on in California? If you think it sounds important, you are right.
There are all kinds of angles to this story. There is the “pro-homosexual, in-your-face-like-it-or-not” angle. There's the constitutional angle. There's the "on-what-basis-can-the-Supreme Court overrule-the-clear-will-of-the-people" angle. There's the "fair-play" angle. The people of California have won fair and square -- twice! There's also the "common-sense" angle. Common sense would seem to say that there is a reason why every society in the history of man has identified marriage as between a man and a woman. Men and women are such a perfect biological fit for marriage that no society in recorded history has ever argued otherwise -- until now! It just belies common sense to suggest that a "union," as in marriage union, can be completed using all bolts or all nuts. Even a child with an erector set can see the logical fallacy in that.
But the most disturbing angle of all is that to which the headline above refers: the church angle. Churches -- liberal churches -- are defending the marriage union between a man and a man or a woman and a woman against all logic and the clear didactic propositions of Scripture.
Make no mistake about it; the Scriptures are not ambiguous in regard to homosexuality. The liberal, pro-homosexual, so-called theologians may try to twist the Scripture to conform to the new "politically correct atmosphere," but they twist the Scripture to their own hurt. These pro-homosexual, mis-guided theologues are not the first to "twist the Scriptures" to fit their own agenda. Peter spoke of this a long time ago. This is how the Living Bible so vividly describes such theologues:
there are people who are deliberately stupid, and always demand some unusual interpretation-they have twisted his letters around to mean something quite different from what he meant, just as they do the other parts of the Scripture-and the result is disaster for them" (1Peter 3:15-16), TLB).
It is sad enough that sectors of the American public have drifted so far from the plain truth of nature and Scripture. Even sadder is the fact that groups calling themselves "churches" are leading the way.
I'm sure that many reading this blog will be offended by my plain speaking. I'm sure many (thought they know nothing about me) will label me a hate-mongering homophobe. Fact is, I'm just a person seeking truth. Love is not love if it is not true. Marriage is not marriage if not based upon truth. A lie is a lie whether it gives us warm fuzzies or not.
But the truth . . . well the truth will set us free. I choose to be free and help set others free.
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