Wednesday, July 25, 2007

An American Plague

The dictionary defines “plague” as: “any widespread affliction, calamity, or evil.” Normally, we associate plagues with things such as disease (as in bubonic plague), drought, or famine. Plagues cause much harm to the human family.

I was shocked while reading an article the other day. The article outlined how the teenage cyber-hangout, MySpace, had deleted the profiles (accounts) of over 29,000 convicted sex offenders. This information was not particularly shocking in light of all the attention online sexual predators have been getting. The article called the online sexual predator problem an “exploding epidemic.” MySpace deserves praise for trying to make the Internet a bit safer.

What shocked me was the last line of the article. It stated, “As of May, there were about 600,000 registered sex offenders in the United States." That shocked me. If these registered sex offenders were their own state, they would be in the top 20 or so. This is not an epidemic, it is a plague. It is a scourge. It is sickening and saddening.

The Bible says, “Godliness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs,14:34, TLB).

One simply cannot spin the moral condition of America in a positive way. We are beginning to rot from the roots up. I think it is fitting (though not very bright) to remove the Ten Commandments from public display. They no longer have much personal influence. As I said, it is fitting though not very smart to remove the Ten Commandments. I look for the national slogan, “In God We Trust,” to fall by the wayside soon. Then, out goes “One Nation Under God.”

This is altogether unsurprising considering the moral decay in America. About the only absolutely deviant behavior recognized in America today is for some preacher to point out America’s deviant behavior. We are becoming a nation plagued by immoral, deviant behavior and we seem to lack the resolve to do much about it.

May the Church of Christ raise a banner of righteousness.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


One of the “rites of summer” for Christians of all denominations is “Vacation Bible School.” This event provides one of the major evangelistic thrusts for many churches.

I’ve been busy with Bible School so I’ve not had much time for blogging. Today, I’ll get back into the routine by praising God for a wonderful week ministering to children and youth.

One verse I have reflected upon often in my ministry comes from the Lord, Himself:

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there (Matt 19:14-15).

Jesus loved children. If He were to take a staff position in a local church, I somehow think He’d be more likely to pursue Children’s Ministry, than seek the Senior Pastor position. Jesus said, “children are the very essence of the Kingdom.”

We’ve lost most or our children to other pursuits. We lost a couple of generations that are now parents who have no desire to see their children receive training in spiritual matters. The wave of gray hair continues to rise in most churches. Some churches even consider children an “inconvenience” to be scurried away to other rooms so as not to “bother” the adults as they worship Jesus. The disciples had this same mistaken notion until Jesus corrected them with verses such as that quoted above.

Almost half of the fifty kids in our VBS this year made first-time decisions to make Jesus the Boss of their life. I know I’ll get criticized for “brain-washing” or “brow-beating” these children into making decisions. That’s OK, this is a criticism I enjoy receiving.

For the most part, the younger generation is conspicuously absent from many congregations, along with their thirty-something parents. A nation cannot afford to squander such resources. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24 year olds in America. Thirteen million children go to bed hungry in America every night. Half of the children, by conservative estimates, will grow up in a home with an absentee father.

Jesus saw children as the “essence of the Kingdom.” If children were that important to Him, they should be that important to the church. Vacation Bible School reminded me once again how important children are to God – and how fun they are to be around!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I Agree With the Pope -- Almost

Recently, Pope Benedict XVI, reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church. He approved a document that says "other churches are defective and not true churches." Usually, I find very little the Pope and I agree on regarding theological issues but I agree with him that not all churches are "true churches." Some churches are founded on the teachings of men, not the Person of Jesus Christ.

I don’t agree with the Pope’s view of "which church is the true church." But, here is what we do agree on – almost. The Pope said, "other [churches] cannot be called ‘churches’ in the proper sense because they do not have apostolic succession — the ability to trace their bishops back to Christ’s original apostles." I agree that I do not trace my faith back to the original twelve apostles. I trace my faith back to the Founder of the Church, Jesus Christ.

The Catholic church puts a lot of emphasis on Peter being the "first Pope." There is little historical basis for this, and absolutely no Biblical basis. Catholic theologians base much of their theological argument on Matthew 16:18: Jesus replied, And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church." It is hard even from the English to argue that Jesus was founding His church on Peter, but in the original Greek it is even more clear.

Jesus made a distinction between identifying Peter as one thing and "this rock" as something else. In the original Greek the verse is less ambiguous. It goes something like this: "You are Petros (a chip or stone) and on this petra (huge boulder or cornerstone, probably pointing to Himself) I will build My church." If you look at 1Peter 2:8 when Peter speaks about Jesus as the "petra" (rock) that the builders rejected you will understand that Peter knew the difference between "petros," his nickname, and "petra," a title referring to Christ.

So, I almost agree with the Pope. I agree that not all churches are part of the "true church." Churches founded upon the teachings of men (or women) are "defective" as the Pope points out. I also agree with the Pope that my faith (or that of other Bible believing non-Catholics) is not traced back to Peter. I disagree with which church–His or mine– is a part of the true church.

I am happy to say I trace my faith back to the Founder of the Church, and not to a man, even a man as venerable and anointed as Peter.

Friday, July 13, 2007


It is hard to be shocked by what you read these days. The world just seems nuts. And . . . if one points this one may be accused of being “paranoid,” or of being some “doom and gloom” preacher with a “devil-behind-every-bush fundamentalist” psychosis.

Well, say what you will but the American culture of the 21st century would not be recognizable to the Americans of the 18th century when our country was founded. For example, a well-publicized quote from George Washington – o.k., so the history books barely mention it – reads like this, “It is impossible for a man to govern a country without God and the Bible.” Or, how about this one from Benjamin Franklin, “God governs in the affairs of man.” Venerable Ben stated this at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 while our Founding Fathers were laying the groundwork for the Constitution.

Now, some anti-Christian activists argue that Benjamin Franklin was not a devout Christian and his God was not the God of the Bible and Christianity. No doubt, Ben Franklin may not have been the best example of Biblical Christianity, but his God was definitely the God of the Bible. In the next sentence after the one quoted above, Franklin quotes from Matthew 10:29 and Psalm 127:1: “And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this.” Ben Franklin in his own words supports the argument that the United States is based upon “Christian” principles from the Bible. When he quoted from "Sacred Writings," it was not the Koran.

Well, not long ago a new congressman from Minnesota, Rep. Keith Ellison, was sworn in with his hand on the Koran. He is a devout Muslim. The leftists in our country celebrated him as a “poster child for tolerance.” Tolerance, as you know, is the religion of the left. Well, he doesn’t seem to be very tolerant after all. He compares our present Commander in Chief--who is openly Christian--with Adolf Hitler and calls the present administration Nazis. This is what the Muslim democrat said in a speech before a group of Minneapolis atheists. A Muslim embracing atheists and comparing our President to one of the most evil men who have ever lived is what “tolerance” means in America. That is a strange religion.

I barely recognize America today and I am only half a century old. What must our Founding Fathers be saying? Perhaps they are saying, “Has anyone seen my America?”

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ominous Headlines

Two headlines from MSNBC crossed my reading path today that individually gave me cause to stop and think and together sent chills down my spine.

Here's headline #1: Hindu To Open Senate With Prayer.
Here's headline #2: Al-Qaida Getting Stronger.

Now, at first glance these do not seem to be connected in any way. What does the prayer of a polytheistic pagan to open the United States Senate have to do with a Monotheistic band of radical thugs? Well, here's the connection:

Isaiah 30:1-2 "Woe to the obstinate children,"declares the LORD,"to those who carry out plans that are not mine,forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit,heaping sin upon sin; 2 who go down to Egypt without consulting me."

I've heard people argue, not convincingly to me, that America is not and has never been a "Christian" nation. Some people argue that our Forefathers, even though they all quoted regularly from the Bible, never intended America to be a Christian nation. I don't want to address that argument at this point. I think the evidence is abundant that our Founding Fathers intended our nation to be founded on Judeo-Christian values. How broadly or how narrowly they intended these values to be applied is argued by many.
What I have never heard argued is that our nation should align itself with the polytheistic, ethically suspect values of Hinduism. There is no support for any such alliance in the Founding documents of our nation -- but, there he is, polytheistic Hindu chaplain, Rajan Zed, scheduled to deliver the opening prayer in the next session of the U.S. Senate. What possible reason would America have for striking an alliance with Hinduism? As Isaiah said, such and alliance, "heaps sin upon sin."

Now, for headline #2. Al-Qaida Is Growing Stronger. The Director of Homeland security has been quoted as saying he has a "feeling" they may strike the U.S. soon. There's where Isaiah's "woe-ful warning" comes in. Our sin will become our woe. So many Americans are so willing to throw off the yoke of the God of the Bible and make alliances with polytheism and a god of the desert.

Ronald Reagan understood what it meant to be a Christian nation. He said, "America is great because America is good (translate: founded upon the values of the Bible). When America ceases to be good (founded upon the values of the Bible), America will cease to be great."

America may be free to cast of the yoke of God's righteousness, but along with it, we cast of the mantle of God's protection. Put the headlines together and you will see what I mean.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


The message of the Minor Prophets (Daniel through Malachi) continue to intrigue and challenge me. This week our Adult Bible Study group faced off with the message from Haggai. Consistent with the tone of the Minor Prophets Haggai pulls no punches.

Haggai prophesied shortly after the Israelites returned from the Babylonian Captivity to begin work on the Second Temple. The work was hard and there was a constant challenge from enemies who resided in the land. Faced with the continuing hard work and challenging circumstances the Israelites did what many people do in tough times: they quit. The foundation was laid and the work stopped.

The Israelites turned their attention to their individual needs and agendas. They busied themselves working to make their lives easier and more comfortable. The work on God's House stopped and the time, talents, and treasures of the Israelites were spent on themselves. As a result, their efforts became less and less fruitful and fulfilling. Haggai gave them this warning,

"You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why?" declares the LORD Almighty. "Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with his own house" (Haggai 1:9, NIV).

People today are definitely "busy." They are not, however, busy doing God's work but are busy working on making their lives more comfortable. People, including many Christians, fail to recognize that trying to find fulfillment and satisfaction by focusing on oneself is about as fruitful as shoveling water. After much sweat and some sore muscles there will be little gain to show for your efforts.
Only when we are committed to God and His Work do we live truly fruitful and fulfilling lives. We avoid bringing home a great harvest only to have it blown away by life's circumstances. I see people everyday that are like mice on an exercise wheel. They expend huge amounts of energy on their personal happiness, but they don't find much happiness at all. True and lasting fulfillment in life comes through a commitment to God and His Work.
Commitment. It really is not an ugly word.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Before It's Too Late

Presently, our Adult Bible Study Group on Sunday mornings is surveying the messges of the Minor Prophets -- Daniel through Malachi. These men were powerful proclaimers of God's truth. They spoke clearly and passionately to the issues of their day -- and by extension to the issues of our day.

Last Sunday we looked at the message of Zephaniah. Zephaniah preached during the reign of Josiah. Josiah served as one of Judah's (Southern Israel) greatest kings. He followed the reigns of two of Judah's worst kings, Manasseh and Amon. Manasseh and Amon presided over one of the greatest moral slides in Israel's history. Idol worship was prevalent throughout the kingdom and the spiritual life of Israel was at rock bottom.

Along comes Josiah. Zephaniah assisted Josiah in calling Israel back to holiness. As with the other Minor Prophets, Zephaniah warned the nation in very vivid terms against continuing in their rebellion against God. Zephaniah said, "The great day of the Lord is near--near and coming quickly. Listen! The cry on the day of the Lord will be bitter" (Zeph. 2:14).

Scholars recognize that the phrase "day of the LORD" had a double meaning. It referred to the present judgment because of Judah's present state of sin, and also the ultimate judgment on the world's sin at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. We are fast approaching that "day of the LORD" and we should consider carefully the message of the prophets, such as Zephaniah.

As we studied the message of Zephaniah together, we noticed the repetition of a small word in Zephaniah 2:2. Three times in this verse the word "before" is repeated three times in the New International Version (twice in the original Hebrew; the second "before" is implied). Zephaniah said,

Before the appointed time arrives and that day sweeps on like chaff,
before the fierce anger of the LORD comes upon you,
before the day of the LORD's wrath comes upon you
(Zeph.2:2, NIV).

One of the important literary features of Hebrew writing is the repetition of words or phrases for emphasis. Zephaniah wanted to draw attention to the word, "before." The word, "before," in English can be mistaken for an innocuous preposition. The word in the Hebrew draws out a much deeper meaning.

The Hebrew word translated "before" is terem (teh-rem). The root of this word is obscure. It apparently had the original meaning of "to suspend, or interupt." So, as one considers this idea of "suspension" in the context of Zephaniah one sees what one writer calls, "the mercy of prophecy." Zephaniah's warning of the soon-coming, bitter judgment of God was born out of God's heart of mercy. As Peter said, "God wishes that none perish" (2Peter 3:9).

When I saw that word, "before," my mind immediately forwarded to the question: "before what?" Almost as immediately the answer bounced back like a super ball thrown against a block wall: "before it is too late."

We are still in the "before" period of God's plan of redemption. He has interupted or suspended His judgment giving every man, woman, and child time to enter into a saving relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. We are in the mercy stage of God's plan.

We know that the reforms under Josiah were short-lived. History records Israel's bent toward rebellion and idol worship. Israel's rebellion continues today as she still rejects God's Messiah, Jesus Christ. Judgment still looms on the horizon. The "before time" of mercy is getting shorter and shorter. The vials of God's judgements will soon be poured out. The prophets tell of that "great day of the LORD" when God will return to judge the nations.

If you are alive today, you are still in the "before" time of mercy. You can still repent. You can still embrace God's Deliverer, Jesus the Messiah. There is still time before God's judgment will be poured out upon you either at your death (Hebrews 9:27) or at the Second Coming. Israel continues to reject the message of her prophets and lives in constant threat of attack.

Heed the message of Zephaniah. Embrace God and serve Him -- before it is too late.

Christian friends, get the word out. Someday it will be "too late."

Monday, July 2, 2007

Why NewLife?

Many have asked why we are changing the name of our church. For a large number of you who have been around for the last two years, it is obvious. For the rest of you let's just say "it is time for something new."

Jesus said, "Behold, I make all things new" (Revelation 21:5). This is the spirit behind our name change. We want to experience a fresh, new wave of God's blessings in our life. We want to experience a new vitality in our church life. We want to see many new people become involved in the life of our church. NewLife just seems to make a lot of sense.

Hopefully, we will remain new and fresh in our approach to ministry for many years. While our strategy and structure might be new, the message we have to share with the world has not changed. John the Apostle summed it up well, "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16, TLB).

Come experience the "new life." We have a place for you and your family.